It was my 23rd Birthday on Wednesday. I didnt really do much, as I had to work and as we recently had a huge wedding party I couldnt be bothered orgainising something else! Instead Henry made me my fave meal, vege tacos for dinner and gave me a cute birthday cake!

I also have been feeling really inspired lately to draw and design and to just generally be creative. I feel that online there is this whole community of creative people doing things and I need to be part of it. Suddenly there are all these street fashion blogs from around the world, I used to take photos of people on the street in art school as art 4 years ago!!! Now its very common. If only I was more tech savy back then, I could have a cool blog read by thousands of people. BUT I dont find blogging very fun, its slow, I hate computers and I get bored I guess I cant be bothered. I do this blog sparadically, and only recently have I been doing more than 1 post a month. I'm living in Tokyo, there is alot to do every day, so blogging isnt a priority...but I wish it was...and I wish I could be bothered doing it everyday and post photos of all the crazy Japanese fashion I see, get more readers and become famous! lol
Anyway here are some drawings I did of ideas for my wedding dress

The SPANK! gals had the BEST PARTY for their 3 year anniversary of their shop. It was held in Shibuya in this really cool club. It was the 1st time I had seen more than 10 SPANK! gals at a time. We walk into the club and their are like 150 pink faries dancing so hyper like 5 year olds who ate too much fairy bread and drank alot of red cordial! Soooooo cute!

So many girls, soooo much pink!

Yohei is back from London, where he was shocked by the drug use at Boombox
(hot London party) Tokyo has no drugs!!!

So cute, I heart you!


Petty, who is a model for Zipper...or Cutie?

Gallermic has new gungaru Shibuya boy hair.

From left to right: Ebony from myspace, Saki, Jamie from Vice mag, me and
Peggy a fashion designer from Kansass city.

Dance floor

Yuki and Maya perform the crazy SPANK! dance!

Toxic Lipstick, a band from Aus who live in Osaka.

Maya and Yuki as bunny's

My outfit for the night. I love my shirt!

Henry's outfit
The other night at 4am me and Henry were bored so we got crafty. Right now we are loving baggy t-shirts worn as dresses and House of Holland we got some cheap tees and some fabric pens and set to work on a fab creation!

Henry was blown away by the coolness of our craftyness

So as mentioned there were some Vice gals here in Tokyo. Jamie is a photographer for vice and Peggy is a fashion designer, both are from Kansass in the USA. I missed the huge vice party because I was in Melbourne, but we got to meet them a few times. Nice gals, and it was nice to speak English instead of Engrish! I believe Jamie was here to take photos from vice mag about Tokyo fashion, so maybe that will be in the Aus edition, I'm not sure.

Yuki, Tabouchi, Peggy and Jamie.
I got a new dress the other day. Here it is worn at Tokyo Dome City amusement park, where we missed the rollercoaster by 10 mins. I really wanted to go on it....poo. The dress is from a vintage store in Shimokitazawa and it was such a find, just what I have been looking for, and only $40 which is good for vintage in Tokyo!

The dress looks better teamed with a white t-shirt and white shoes and my new fave hairstyle, high ponytail in a black and white polkadot scrunchy. Photos of that will come soon!!!
Anyway its 4am, my usual bedtime